Tracksuit CFO

Competition window: 3000 - 2000 m

Place: DZ Puschino (MSL: 238.0 m)

# Competidor Duración Distancia Velocidad Total
% % %
seg % seg % m % m % km/h % km/h %
1 Alexandr Zharikov
AG Mono
RUS 43.6 100.0 41.2 100.0 100.0 1990 100.0 2143 100.0 100.0 220.1 100.0 239.2 100.0 100.0 300.0
2 Konstantin Ilin
AG Mono
RUS 20.4 46.8 19.8 48.1 47.4 465 23.4 1097 51.2 37.3 184.6 83.9 202.4 84.6 84.2 168.9
This competition uses wind cancellation feature. Results are adjusted for wind / not adjusted for wind


  1. Leonid Sigalov
  2. Lilia Shevchuk
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